
DBGT The Power of Fusion Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Emanation of Dread

The group of five then suddenly reappeared on the new edge of Snakeway, Goku yelping and rapidly latching onto Vegeta's leg as his legs slipped and fumbled over the rubble, kicking free rock and cement away off the ruined edge. The childish looking warrior quickly regained his composure, glancing around at the open cloud floating in front of them.

"Where's the Check in station? It should be right here."

Gogeta frowned, his head darting around for a moment with narrowed eyes.

"It's completely gone, and I can't sense any energy signature at all down here. This thing should be strong enough for us to sense, if it's powerful enough to destroy the gates of Heaven and Hell."

Leiji glanced down, staring into the abyss below.

"It should. But let's take a closer look down in Hell...."

She then turned her head, meeting the eyes of the other warriors.

"I'm sure we'll find it lurking around there. If it hasn't moved on, there's no other place it should be."

Vegeta smirked, moving forward as he brushed past her shoulder, standing on the edge.

"Well then, allow me to go first. I'm sure this challenge requires a warrior who has ascended beyond the legend of the Super Saiyan, wouldn't want you to get hurt."

The small prince didn't wait for a reply, hopping off the broken edge as Goku prepared to follow suit, smiling back at Leiji.

"Don't mind him, he just takes some time to warm up to."

Leiji smirked back at Goku in response, shrugging her shoulders lightly.

"I'm sure. He seems like a natural sweetheart..."

The small boy giggled a little bit in response, before following after Vegeta into the depths below. Gogeta soon dashed after the two, leaving Vegetto and Leiji behind on the edge alone. The Potara fusion held a smirk of his own, studying the smaller woman.

"You've ascended to the level of Super Saiyan, haven't you?"

Leiji raised an eyebrow, her smirk fading away as she turned back to face Vegetto.

"How did you know?"

Vegetto crossed his arms, closing the small distance between the two.

"Normally, when we mention the Super Saiyan transformation, we get one of two reactions. Either the person has no idea what it is, or it shocks them into disbelief."

He then chuckled.

"And since you clearly know about the transformation and you don't appear phased by his trash talking, I'd assume you can achieve it too."

Leiji smiled back in response, turning her gaze back down to the clouds below.

"You're right, I can. And despite Vegeta's assumption, I can assure you, the Super Saiyan transformation isn't where my power plateaus."

Vegetto raised an eyebrow as well this time, yet kept his smirk.

"Really? And just how powerful are you then?"

Leiji turned her attention back to Vegetto, keeping her normal expression.

"I'd rather show you then tell."

Vegetto nodded back in response, lowering his arms back down to his sides.

"Strange, how after all these years, the Kais stumble across a Saiyan female of all things, strong enough to place herself on a level that has never been seen or achieved before until our recent adventures."

The Potara fusion kept his gaze on Leiji, who had turned her attention locked on him.

"Forgive my prying, but I'm still having trouble understanding how this is possible."

Leiji giggled lightly back in response, moving closer towards the edge.

"Surprises wait around every corner in life, Vegetto. Nothing is set in stone, especially not something as fluid as power."

The small Saiyan woman then gave a small wink with her left eye, hopping off the edge.

"Some may even be worth seeking, if you think you have what it takes to discover the truth."

Vegetto blinked, watching her disappear down into the clouds in confusion to the cryptic message. He then shook his head from side to side lightly, soon following after her into the abyss.


The white boots crushed the ground beneath as they landed on the dirt below, cracking the ground with another set of smaller feet landed beside them. Vegeta and Goku glanced around, the shock of the carnage clear in their expressions.

The usually brighter atmosphere that Hell usually help with a light pink and red was nearly darkened, the land in a state of what appeared to be an eternal nightsky. The bodies of the former citizens littered the ground, empty eyes and bloodied faces all around.

Goku knelt down next to the body of a defeated Saiyan warrior, frowning heavily while Gogeta, Leiji, and Vegetto soon joined the two.

"This...this is impossible. These spirits, they've been killed but they haven't been sent to another dimension..."

Vegeta stood over Goku, staring down at the body.

"Then what kind of state are they in?"

Vegetto's eyes narrowed for a moment, attempting to come up with an explantion, but his head suddenly whipped to the side at the loud cry of a familiar voice.


The five turned, their eyes slightly widening at the sight of Pikkon stumbling towards them. The warrior's physical decay was clear, his robes in tatters while he himself desperately hobbled to get closer, his breathing exasperated.

The warrior never made it past 4 steps, and the five tensed at the suddenly blast of energy engulfing Pikkon from behind. The dark purple energy covered his entire body above the waist, shooting up into the air above the five's heads. Gogeta looked on in horror, his attention never diverting from Pikkon.

With the energy soon fading away, Pikkon's entire upper body no longer existed. The two legs twitched lightly, collapsing to the floor in a manner of seconds as another figure stepped over the remains of the warrior, a monstrous chuckle filling the air.

Janembuu clenched his fists together, standing tall as his eyes locked with Vegetto and Gogeta, who had shifted into a defensive stance from the massive blast. Goku's eyes narrowed, clenching his fists together as well.

"Janemba. I should've know you'd be behind something like this."

The monster chuckled in response, shaking his head slightly.

"No, Janemba no longer exists. He is apart of me now, and you are no match for our combined strength."

Vegetto smirked, recognizing the pink appearance and facial structure of Majin Buu, while Gogeta kept a stern expression.

"Well well, I thought your soul had been destroyed whenever Goku killed you on the Kai's homeworld years ago. Good to see you alive again...Buu..."

Gogeta frowned heavily, remaining tense.

"It was destroyed. Buu was too dangerous to keep in Hell, not with his absorption capabilities and overwhelming threat to the universe even in death."

Janembuu chuckled in response, clenching his fists together as his toothy evil grin widened.

"It was fate that I survived that day, fate that I now stand before you. The Masters saw fit to preserve my strength, and have granted both myself and Janemba this chance to realize our vengeance..."

Gogeta kept his frown, watching as Janembuu held his arms to the sky, lifting his head back.

"The Masters have decreed, I am the chosen one!"

Leiji's slightly narrowed eyes remained on Janembuu, raising an eyebrow.

"Who are these 'Masters'?"

Janembuu lowered his head back down, keeping his eyes locked with Vegetto and ignored Leiji's question. Gogeta's frown deepened, his tension still strong as ever as he felt the sinister energy signature of Janembuu pulse to his senses.

Something's not right. His energy level is lower than ours, but the darkness. It's hiding much more...

The villainous monster remained still, watching as Vegetto's golden aura rapidly shot up from underneath his feet. The fusion remained still, the brown fur rapidly covering the exposed skin on his arms as his hair slightly grew and change into a bright hue of red.

Now confidently staring into the eyes of Janembuu as a Super Saiyan 4, Vegetto moved past the other four warriors as he smirked at the villain, clenching his fists.

"It's like I told you so many years ago, Buu..."

The smirk widened, stretching nearly to his right ear.

"I'm destined to destroy you."

Janembuu stood unfazed, nearly matching the confident smirk of the Potara fusion, even remaining still as Vegetto suddenly bolted forward.

Gogeta's eyes widened, watching Vegetto rush to Janembuu with his arm raised.

"No wait!"

Chapter 6 of the Power of Fusion! Hope you guys enjoy, and as always, I welcome any and all criticism and feedback!

Dragon Ball, DBZ and DBGT are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama! I do not own anything besides the fanfiction here :D

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